What Now?: The USA Election of 2016
For those of who to whom this applies (which I know are many of you)…
For many, what happened last night in the United States of America is being experienced across the world as a literal tragedy. There is a deep sense of loss, along with the shock, anger, depression, and fear that comes from this.
Take the time to mourn today, and for however long you need to. Turn to others with whom you can safe. Find comfort in being able to share a space together where you can openly express how this is making you feel.
There is a huge feeling of loss of control right now—this can feel terrifying to those of you wonder if you and your rights will specifically be targeted in the coming days, as well as those of your loved ones. This is completely understandable, as we face uncertainty as to just how far this could go. If you find yourself in a place of hopelessness and despair, bring yourself back to the present moment. There are leaders, groups and organizations who are on top of this, even as we speak. They will let us know what we must do to get through this—we will not have to go about this alone!
Keep in mind that this is a grieving PROCESS. Take it a step at a time. Honor where you are at right now, honor where others are at, and be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions in the coming days.
For when you are ready to hear this: there are millions of people out there, even as young as my teenage daughters, who are freedom fighters. Perhaps you are one of them as well. We will tap into our personal strengths, we will collaborate, and we will find common goals to work towards.
As we move forward, I will be holding space in two ways: working to heal the painful divide that has been revealed in our country, while also staying vigilant and ready to respond to any transgressions.
I will do everything I can to not respond from a place of either fear or hate. This is what got us into the mess we now find ourselves in.
I send love and light out to everyone today, with every ounce of my being.
Emma Sweet
November 11, 2016 at 9:54 AMWe are all grieving and scared here in my neighborhood too. Trump’s statements and tactics are all so inflammatory that it’s easy to imagine the worst. I’m trying to wait and see. Not much else we can do now, except…
I am also a bit alarmed to see here and elsewhere people talking about fighting back, as if it’s a battle that must be won. I think Hillary lost largely because she failed to show those in the red states (Trump supporters) that she cares and has concrete strategies and plans for them, too.
I heard an interview recently on NPR where a husband and wife team have flown their single engine plane to many of these areas, listened, and recorded what they heard, which is this: in general these people are doing okay economically and otherwise. And yet they feel disenfranchised and ignored. The press only pays them attention when there is flooding or other disaster.
Somehow we need to show them that we are all sisters and brothers in the same family of the human race. Love wins. As they are saying “Love Trumps Hate.”