Discover your gender identityComing September 2017 from Skyhorse Publishing

Are you wrestling with questions surrounding your gender identity that just don’t seem to “go away?” Do you want answers to your questions about your gender identity, but aren’t sure how to get started?

In You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery, Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC—accomplished gender therapist and thought leader whose articles, blogs and videos have empowered thousands worldwide—guides you step-by-step along the path of self-discovery, allowing you to find and embrace your authentic self.

In this groundbreaking guide you’ll learn how to:

UNDERSTAND YOUR GENDER IDENTITY: Your gender is a core element of who you are and affects all areas of your life—greater awareness of this can lead to clarity and a stronger sense of self.

SUSTAIN THE HIGHS AND LOWS: Resources, connection and self-care can help you stay on the challenging path of self-discovery.

REVEAL AND UNDERSTAND YOUR FEARS: Understanding and facing your fears head-on can be one of the most empowering parts of the journey.

REFLECT ON YOUR PAST: Reflecting through the lens of gender exploration can help make sense of past experiences and how they formed who you are today.

THOUGHTFULLY EXPLORE YOUR GENDER: Thorough, step-by-step exercises and gentle contemplation not only help reveal your true self, but also allow you to travel at your own pace.

DISCOVERY AND EMBRACE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: You will have a deeper understanding of your gender, yourself, and the options for “what’s next” so you can express this authentic self to the world.

Click here to learn more and to pre-order

Dara Hoffman-Fox

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