Finally, a Name for My Nonbinary Gender Identity!

“Nonbinary” is an umbrella term which I have identified with for three years now. However, there are many variations of what it means to be nonbinary. I’ve been searching for a way to describe my particular sense of being nonbinary, and I’ve finally figured it...

Closet: Perspective of a Nonbinary Youth

Guest post by E. Laffely So. For those of you who are cisgender straight people, I’m going to explain what the closet is like (the one that people use to describe not being open about being LGBT+). We all know the saying, “think outside the box”. However, not...

Who Are 2 of My YouTube Inspirations?

It can be easy, as a YouTube creator, to fall into a bubble of isolation, becoming unaware of who else is out there helping the same communities as you are (for me, that would be those who are transgender and nonbinary). In this video I share...

Pre-Surgery Health Kick (My Nonbinary Update)

I'm wanting to get in the best possible shape mentally, emotionally, and physically before my upcoming reduction mammoplasty. Here are some of the ways I plan on doing that. Feel free to hold me accountable over the next few months! :) ...